
Amy Castro, MA, CSP

Amy Castro is a  speaker, author, blogger, and podcaster.     

Her passion for pets began at age 4 with a cat named Snippy who didn't have a good day unless he'd scratched or bitten her at least once. She's been a veterinary assistant, groomer's assistant, and boarding facility kennel attendant- so she knows pet care from the bottom up! After college, she served four years as an officer  in the US Air Force. In 1994, she started her speaking business, Triad Communication. Learn more at www.amycastro.com

Amy loves speaking in the pet industry and writing for industry magazines such as Pet Age, where' she's the lead management columnist. She also founded, Starlight Outreach and Rescue in 2017. Starlight Pet Talk is part of the rescue's mission of educating pet parents so pets live the best possible lives.